Conference: "Just Transition: Where is the European car industry heading?!
Renaissance Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels
12th of May, 2022, 9.30 am – 8.00 pm (lunch and dinner included)
of the transport system James Copping, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG GROW WS II: Ecological Transformation and Electrification Florian Hacker, Deputy head of Division Resou
of the transport system James Copping, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG GROW WS II: Ecological Transformation and Electrification Florian Hacker, Deputy head of Division Resou
of the transport system James Copping, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG GROW WS II: Ecological Transformation and Electrification Florian Hacker, Deputy head of Division Resou
of the transport system James Copping, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG GROW WS II: Ecological Transformation and Electrification Florian Hacker, Deputy head of Division Resou
of the transport system James Copping, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG GROW WS II: Ecological Transformation and Electrification Florian Hacker, Deputy head of Division Resou
09:30 am | Welcome & introduction |
09:35 am | Project Presentation: "Just Transition in the European Car Industry" |
10:00 am |
Key note I: Frank Siebern-Thomas (European Commission, DG Employment, Head of Unit Fair Green and Digital Transitions, Research) What is the political framework for a Just Transition in the European car industry? |
10:20 am |
Key note II: Benjamin Denis (Senior Policy Advisor, industriAll) Why do we need social dialogue for a Just Transition? |
10:40 am |
Comment: Janna Aljets (Expert on the socio-ecological transformation of the transport system) |
10:45 am |
Introduction into Workshop Session |
10:50 am |
Break |
11:20 am | Co-creative workshops, Part 1
WS I: Stakeholder Participation and Social Dialogue
WS II: Ecological Transformation and Electrification
WS III: Reskilling
WS IV: Just Transition in the Central and Eastern European Car Industry
01:00 pm |
Lunch |
02:15 pm | Co-creative workshops, Part 2 |
03:55 pm | Interactive result presentation |
04:20 pm |
Panel Discussion: "Where is the European car industry going?"
05:00 pm |
Break |
5:15 pm | Dinner & Get-Together |